Here are our APIs that will help you develop your applications with ease !


For individuals who just want the essentials to get started quickly.
  • 1000 / day quota
    + ($0.1 USD)
  • 50 / day quota
    (Hard Limit)


For professionals who require more volume for their application.
  • 5000 / day quota
    + ($0.003 USD)
  • 7500 / day quota
    + ($0.1 USD)


For professionals who work on larger scale applications.
  • 20000 / day quota
    + ($0.001 USD)
  • 15000 / day quota
    + ($0.1 USD)


For businesses who need high volume, production-level use.
  • 50000 / day quota
    + ($0.001 USD)
  • 45000 / day quota
    + ($0.1 USD)

Documentation of our API

You can convert any Youtube video to mp3 (audio) or mp4 (video)

You can use the API with Unirest in php ! There is not only this method and Php to connect to the API !

$response = Unirest\Request::get("{format}/{YouTube-Video-ID}?stime={Start}&etime={End}",
    "X-yt2mp3converter-Host" => "",
    "X-yt2mp3converter-Key" => "gh1gb68a3pfly2018cb9740c6909p18y34fjsn2d85p184bb0b"

Where {format} is one of the following :

  • "mp3" : for MP3 results
  • "videos" : for Video w/Audio results
  • "mp3-mp4" : for mp3 and videos results

and {YouTube-Video-ID} is any valid YouTube video ID.

OPTIONAL {Start} & {End} :

  • "Start" : The time at which you want the video to start (e.g 00:01:00)
  • "End" : The time at which you want the video to stop (e.g 00:02:00)

If you have an error (it happens even to the best ones 😎) i.e. error : true the error codes are as follows :

  • "403" : Unable to generate download URLs
  • "400" : Invalid format. Please look at the previously submitted formats
  • "404" : No stream was found
  • "451" : This video is blocked at the request of the copyright holder
  • "415" : JSON response is invalid
$response = Unirest\Request::get("",
                    "X-yt2mp3converter-Host" => "",
                    "X-yt2mp3converter-Key" => "gh1gb68a3pfly2018cb9740c6909p18y34fjsn2d85p184bb0b"

Generates this :

  "vidID": "P0OCoCCMsUc",
  "vidTitle": "PNL - J'Comprends pas [Clip Officiel]",
  "vidThumb": "",
  "duration": 257,
          "dloadUrl": "",
          "bitrate": 320,
          "mp3size": "9.8 MB"
          "dloadUrl": "",
          "bitrate": 256,
          "mp3size": "7.84 MB"
          "dloadUrl": "",
          "bitrate": 192,
          "mp3size": "5.88 MB"
          "dloadUrl": "",
          "bitrate": 128,
          "mp3size": "3.92 MB"
          "dloadUrl": "",
          "bitrate": 64,
          "mp3size": "1.96 MB"
$response = Unirest\Request::get("",
                    "X-yt2mp3converter-Host" => "",
                    "X-yt2mp3converter-Key" => "gh1gb68a3pfly2018cb9740c6909p18y34fjsn2d85p184bb0b"

Generates this :

  "vidID": "P0OCoCCMsUc",
  "vidTitle": "PNL - J'Comprends pas [Clip Officiel]",
  "vidThumb": "",
  "duration": 257,
          "rSize": "12.68 MB",
          "quality": "360",
          "directurl": "",
          "dloadUrl": "",
          "ftype": "mp4",
          "framerate": "",
          "bitrate": "",
          "codec": "",
          "itag": 18
$response = Unirest\Request::get("",
                    "X-yt2mp3converter-Host" => "",
                    "X-yt2mp3converter-Key" => "gh1gb68a3pfly2018cb9740c6909p18y34fjsn2d85p184bb0b"

Generates this :

  "vidID": "P0OCoCCMsUc",
  "vidTitle": "PNL - J'Comprends pas [Clip Officiel]",
  "vidThumb": "",
  "duration": 257,
          "dloadUrl": "",
          "bitrate": 320,
          "mp3size": "9.8 MB"
          "dloadUrl": "",
          "bitrate": 256,
          "mp3size": "7.84 MB"
          "dloadUrl": "",
          "bitrate": 192,
          "mp3size": "5.88 MB"
          "dloadUrl": "",
          "bitrate": 128,
          "mp3size": "3.92 MB"
          "dloadUrl": "",
          "bitrate": 64,
          "mp3size": "1.96 MB"
              "rSize": "12.68 MB",
              "quality": "360",
              "directurl": "\u0026quality=medium\u0026sp=sig\u0026expire=1589819993\u0026ei=-WXCXrPhD8vIgAeVmIDgBg\u0026ip=\u0026id=o-AN4yDS4_o02Lp862FLOVnkmRguclZyV9WbXtd7nlmnMi\u0026itag=18\u0026source=youtube\u0026requiressl=yes\u0026mh=vC\u0026mm=31%2C26\u0026mn=sn-4g5e6ns6%2Csn-5hne6nsr\u0026ms=au%2Conr\u0026mv=m\u0026mvi=2\u0026pl=22\u0026initcwndbps=498750\u0026vprv=1\u0026mime=video%2Fmp4\u0026gir=yes\u0026clen=13300460\u0026ratebypass=yes\u0026dur=256.696\u0026lmt=1541630795064286\u0026mt=1589798314\u0026fvip=3\u0026beids=9466586\u0026c=WEB\u0026txp=5531432\u0026sparams=expire%2Cei%2Cip%2Cid%2Citag%2Csource%2Crequiressl%2Cvprv%2Cmime%2Cgir%2Cclen%2Cratebypass%2Cdur%2Clmt\u0026lsparams=mh%2Cmm%2Cmn%2Cms%2Cmv%2Cmvi%2Cpl%2Cinitcwndbps\u0026lsig=AG3C_xAwRgIhALx9gewnIT2aG8UwDhT0rLEtn6BHeRgAL-Ua57xyMsVXAiEA9CjLpNszRt0-Uiuw280XgIWTbWn4ZYQGZSvzKBjCFYY%3D\u0026sig=AOq0QJ8wRQIgWlBavYj_9MFkrS_-Nu0afJ_4loMWmwP7JhBsNW7xJE0CIQDLqPfH90KyuM4oSfjU0x42ZCM0fSa3J0sjqETxbmlC0w%3D%3D\u0026title=PNL%2B-%2BJ%2527Comprends%2Bpas%2B%255BClip%2BOfficiel%255D",
              "dloadUrl": "",
              "ftype": "mp4",
              "framerate": "",
              "bitrate": "",
              "codec": "",
              "itag": 18

Frequently Asked Questions

Credit cards are processed by a PCI-compliant banking partner on the yt2mp3converter website.
We advise you to use our APIs so that your servers are not overloaded and to have security in terms of conversion. You just have to wait a few moments and you will get several download links or all the information related to the search performed.
You can't convert videos from Dailymotion, Vimeo, Twitter, Instagram... Our YouTube Mp3 Converter API only allows you to convert YouTube videos.
Depending on the specifications of your plan, you will have to pay a surplus fee or be suspended. For example, if you have selected the BASIC plan and you have made 1200 requests, you will pay an extra $20.
For the YouTube converter API the latency rate is 2-3 seconds maximum. In addition, for the YouTube search API the latency is less than 1 second. This makes our API the best on the market.

Have more questions ?

Contact us 😃. We're more than happy to help.

Get Started in No Time

Select the plan that suits you best, and convert / search YouTube videos in no time at all !